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⤖Third-Eye Chakra

The Third-Eye Chakra, Ajna, is a mental connection and imagination. 

It is the boundary between humans and divine consciousness.


Until the Ajna Chakra is awakened, we often cannot understand ourself. 

We are unable to control the qualities and emotions that rise from the lower centres, or find an explanation for the stirrings of emotions, thoughts and dreams that suddenly surface in our mind.

Why do we often feel uncertain and intimidated? Because we have no control over our inner functions and wrongly identify with the constantly changing emotions and thoughts.


The abilities that lie in this Chakra help us to cope with all problems and are of great assistance for those people suffering from psychic problems such as depression, Schizophrenia or changeable emotions.

Emotions, in themselves, are unbiased.

They are a form of energy that can serve us positively or negatively, just as fire can be useful but also destructive.

With the assistance of the Ajna Chakra we can learn to control and guide this inherent energy positively.







Here is a list of what you may feel and you can determine if you are working with a underactive, overactive or balanced chakra.

It is possible to be under and over at the same time. 


  • Poor judgement 

  • Lacks focus 

  • Poor imagination 

  • Can't see beyond physical 

  • Can't recall dreams 

  • Lacks intuition 

  • Lacks self trust 

  • Eye issues 


  • imaginative 

  • Intuitive 

  • Clear thoughts and vision

  • Sees beyond physical 

  • Wise 

  • Fair 


  • Nightmares 

  • Delusions

  • Hallucinations 

  • Obsessive 

  • See too many spirits 

  • Dyslexia

  • Bipolar 

  • Migraines 

  • Insomnia 

  • Dizziness 


The Ajna Chakra is at its optimal function when intuition can be relied upon. 


Everyone is responsible for their own life.


Consider the purpose of your existence and what you would like to achieve in life.

Make your decisions with discrimination, live consciously with love, understanding and devotion.


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