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⤖Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura, is personal power and identity.

Responsible for the distribution of nourishment in the body.


it is a symbol for the 10 pranas which are each responsible for something:

Inhalation, exhalation, ingestion of food, digestion, circulation and nervous system, function of burping, movement of the eyelids, yawning, sneezing and nourishing and strengthening of the body and stablises the function of the organs. 


Another symbol of the Manipura Chakra is an inverted triangle. The downward pointing tip of the triangle symbolises the origin, and the upward spreading sides of the triangle indicate growth and development.


Manipura is the third level of consciousness.

It is closely connected to the psyche. Psychic problems frequently give rise to digestive problems. For example, many people react to fear or stressful situations with abdominal pain or diarrhea.

This is why the Manipura Chakra is the most important energy centre for our physical well-being.







Here is a list of what you may feel and you can determine if you are working with a underactive, overactive or balanced chakra.

It is possible to be under and over at the same time. 


  • Low self-esteem

  • Feeling powerless

  • Inferiority complex

  • Timidity 

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Indecision


  • Confidence

  • Feel in control

  • Personal power

  • Drive

  • Good self-image

  • Energy 

  • Charisma

  • Mental clarity 


  • Power hungry â€‹

  • Domineering 

  • Perfectionist

  • Critical 

  • Bullying 

  • Rage

  • Hurrying



The Manipura Chakra is linked to intuition ,it is a seat of 'gut instincts' and bodily knowledge.


On one hand, “fire” means aggression, passion, inner heat and restlessness – and on the other hand it means purification and refinement.


In the Manipura Chakra we have the unique opportunity to free ourselves once and for all of bad qualities and habits.

When we consign our doubts and weaknesses, such as anger and envy, to the fire of the Manipura it burns them to ash on the spot.

Therefore we should not guide the energy of such emotions to the head or the heart where it causes blockages, tension and pain, but to our inner fireplace.


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