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⤖Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, Muladhara, is about basic survival instincts and security.

Feeling safe in your body and feeling happy to be alive.


The Lotus blossom has four petals depicting the four points of the compass. 

They represent the four fundamental psychic functions of mind, intellect, consciousness and ego.


Another symbol of the Muladhara Chakra is an inverted triangle. The tip pointing downwards indicates that we are at the beginning of our spiritual development; and the sides that spread upwards and outwards show the direction of the developing consciousness.






Here is a list of what you may feel and you can determine if you are working with a underactive, overactive or balanced chakra.

It is possible to be under and over at the same time. 


  • Fearful 

  • Anxious

  • Unsure

  • Financial instability 

  • Ungrounded

  • Accident prone

  • Disorganized 



  • Safe 

  • Secure

  • Centered

  • Grounded

  • Happy to be alive 

  • Patience 

  • Tenacity 



  • Greedy

  • Lust for power 

  • Aggressive

  • Materialistic

  • Cynical

  • Addictions

  • Hoarding

  • Laziness



 The Muladhara Chakra should make you feel safe in your home and anywhere you go. 

Feel connected to the earth. 

To get to a state of mind that you trust the universe no matter where it brings you.


The Muladhara Chakra is the mother who nourishes and raises us.

It is the seat of our dormant wisdom, the stronghold of our hidden spiritual powers and abilities.

By awakening this Chakra we accomplish the first step on our path towards a fully developed human consciousness.


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