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⤖Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra, Anahata, is unconditional love and connection!

A chakra that can not be hurt.

It embodies nurturing, healing and forgiveness.


Each petal of the chakra are the 12 qualities of the heart: Joy, Peace, Kindness, Patience, Love, Harmony, Clarity, Compassion, Purity, Understanding, Forgiveness and Bliss.


The extent of the radiance of the Anahata Chakra depends upon the depths of our relationships. When our heart opens to divine love, our love becomes infinite.


How can we recognize whether our feelings express dependency or genuine love? There is a very simple test for this:

Love brings joy, not sadness

Love shows understanding and provokes no arguments.

Love provides security and makes no demands.

Love grants freedom and knows no jealousy.







Here is a list of what you may feel and you can determine if you are working with a underactive, overactive or balanced chakra.

It is possible to be under and over at the same time. 


  • Lack of empathy

  • Bitter

  • Hateful 

  • Trust issues

  • Intolerant

  • Antisocial

  • Lonely


  • Peaceful

  • Loving

  • Compassionate

  • Tolerant

  • Warm

  • Open

  • Trusting

  • Gratitude

  • Forgiveness

  • Healing


  • Jealous

  • Co-dependent

  • Self-Sacrificing

  • Give too much

  • People pleaser

  • Allergies

  • Putting others first


The Anahata Chakra is balanced when you can live from the heart. 


Every action, every word, all feelings and thoughts should be filtered through the Anahata Chakra and be enlightened by Love and Wisdom. Wisdom is unable to feel anything without Love, and Love is blind without Wisdom. Where love and knowledge join forces there is completeness. 


The overall goal is to be balanced as often as possible

One easy way to do that is follow the cards that I've created for you

They have the inner workings of helping you find inner peace within

The cards can help you.

I created them with all the love in my heart.

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