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Card Guide

Main Goal


The main goal is to get your body and mind to a place of certainty and balance. A place that you can start to see and create the world around you. To create a routine where your mind trusts your body and your body trusts your mind. 


Creating a routine will allow your body and mind to be prepared for anything to happen in this moment

It's being able to control your 'fight or flight' response while staying balanced though anger, depression or whatever other emotion may come. 


It's all about balance.


You should always 100% feel your emotions, but done let them rule you. Understand why you are feeling them and if they don't serve a higher good, let them go. 


Keeping balance within your body will be work but it should not be stressful.



A Note From You To Me


I am so excited for you to start your journey into your body, mind, spirit, emotions and more! 


I want to note that you should not be pressured to work with a new card every day. You may want to spend 5 days with 1 card because it feels right. The rest of the cards and crystals will be there for you when you take the next step.


Plus, this is just the beginning. I wish you luck with every step you take and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Bless xoxo


P.S. For everything to get better you have to want to forgive yourself... But you also have to tell yourself the truth.



Science of Crystals


There are many different minerals that are formed in various ways. But when crystals begin to grow out of super heated solutions, they do so in the most stable arrangements possible. 


Each crystal builds up a three-dimensional pattern of atoms called a crystal lattice. 


Having grown in their ideal solid forms, they possess energy that they obtain from their essential orderliness and are excellent at resisting external energies. 


Alas, when a crystal is put close to your body, rather than be affected by your energy, your body tries to temporarily rearrange its own structure to flow like the energy within the crystal lattice.



Bonding with Your Crystals


Keep Them Close - Keep the appropriate crystal on you during each 21 day period. Either in a bag or your pocket, whatever works best for you. 


Think of Them Often - The more you think of your crystal, the more aware you become of your surroundings. 


Take As Long As You Need - Do not feel like you need to complete 21 cards in 21 days. Take your time with each crystal. There is no rush when you are growing. Everything is within divine timing. 


Remember to Clear and Recharge -  Either before you sleep or when you wake up, take a moment to clear your crystal from the day before. 


Set Intentions - Using the cards provided, or your own intentions, set your crystal on the words that you write. For when you pick it back up, your crystal will be aligned to help you align your body and mind with your true self. 




Clear and Recharge Your Crystals


Cold Water - Run your crystal under cold water for 30 seconds, imagining all of the stored energy going back into the earth to be renewed.


Smoke -  Allow smoke from incense, smudge sticks or Palo Santo to flow over your crystal.


 Salt -  Place your crystal in a bowl and cover it with sea salt. Leave for at least 3 hours. Make sure your crystal is dry before doing this. 


Sound -  Place your crystal in a singing bowl and let the vibrations fade out before removing your crystal 


Earth - Place your crystal in or on the soil of a potted plant over night 


Moonlight -  Place your crystal on a windowsill where it will be touched by moonlight 


Sunshine -  Let your crystal bask in the sunshine and all that it has to offer


Intentions -  Hold your crystal in your hand and imagine all the negativity being washed away be a white light surrounding the stone


Other Crystals - Using selenite, place your crystal on top or near it. Leave it overnight 





 How to Use Day Cards


Daily Activity - Each Day make an effort to accomplish the activity or use your imagination for something similar 



Daily Affirmation - Read, write and repeat as many times as it takes to resonate with these words 


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